What is Anaemia?
It is a condition when there is not enough healthy red blood cells in the blood circulation to carry oxygen to the tissues. This function is carried out by a protein called haemoglobin. Anaemia usually means not having enough haemoglobin. The normal haemoglobin level is between 11.5 to 16.5g/dL for a female person and 12.5 to 18.5g/dL for a male person.
Causes of anaemia
- Blood loss (which can be acute or chronic).
- Acute blood loss may be seen in a motor vehicle accident or following surgery. Blood loss of more than 500ml usually warrants replacement.
- Chronic blood loss occurs during excessive menstruation in female, chronic worm infestation and other conditions.
- Inadequate production of normal red cells by bone marrow. This may be due to :
- Deficiency of essential factors like iron, vitamin B12, folate and erythropoietin.
- Marked growth spurt in adolescence, causing an increased iron requirement which outstrips the rate of iron absorption.
- Menstruation in females with an average loss of 30 mg of iron each month may lead to an iron deficiency situation.
- Toxic factors: inflammatory disease, liver or kidney failure, medications.
- Hormone deficiency: low thyroid hormone levels.
- Invasion of bone marrow: blood cancers, bone marrow disease.
- Disorder of developing red cells: conditions such as Thalassemia.
- Deficiency of essential factors like iron, vitamin B12, folate and erythropoietin.
- Excessive destruction of red blood cells. May occur with certain infections or the use of certain medications. The commonest type of Anaemia is:
- Iron deficiency anaemia.
- Thalassemia.
Signs and symptoms
Many adult suffer from anaemia and do not even know it. Symptoms include:
- Feeling tired all the time.
- Dizziness.
- Shortness of breath when engaging in physical activities.
- Pale skin.
- Rapid heart beat.
- Poor memory.
- Weight loss.
If anaemia is very severe it may lead to:
- Heart failure where the heart function becomes very weak and inadequate.
- Poor pregnancy outcomes including prematurity and intrauterine growth retardation.
A local clinic can check your haemoglobin level to determine whether you have anaemia. The treatment of anaemia depends on what is the cause is :
- If it is due to a medical condition e.g. thalassemia and leukaemia, specific treatment is required.
- If it is due to iron deficiency, then one needs to eat a balanced diet rich in iron and take iron supplements. See Table 1 and Table 2 for Iron content in foods.
Other hints when treating iron deficiency:
- It is advisable to take iron supplement with Vitamin C to enhance iron absorption.
- Specific causes like worm infestation and inflammatory bowel disease will also need to be treated.
Table 1: Iron contents in the foods
Serving size
Iron (mg)
Liver, chicken | 105g |
Chicken thigh | 125g |
Beef lean | 268g |
Liver, beef | 124g |
Tuna | 90g |
Cockles | 86g (10 Cockles) |
Lungs | 92g |
Cereal fortified with 100% iron (Coco crunches, Cornflakes) | ¾ cup |
Oatmeal | 1 cup |
Soya bean curd | 1/2 cup |
Peanut | 1 cup |
Spinach | ½ cup |
Kismis | ½ cup |
Bread | 1 piece |
Rice, cooked | 1 cup |
Reference: Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2005
Table 2: Source of iron
Food |
Iron (mg/100g)
Chickpea |
Fern shoots |
Bitter gourd |
Swamp cabbage |
Egg |
Anchovy,whole |
Reference: Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, 2005.
- Eat a balanced diet every day. See Food Pyramid
- Eat iron-rich foods.
Last reviewed | : | 28 August 2020 |
Writer | : | Dr. Zainab bt. Kusiar |
Reviewer | : | Nik Mahani bt. Nik Mahmood |