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Masalah ENT Yang Biasa (+ 4)

Snoring is an audible breathing noise produced when a person has a partially blocked upper respiratory tract. You snore when something blocks the free flow of air through the passages at the back of your mouth and nose ...
Berdengkur adalah bunyi bising semasa bernafas, apabila sebahagian daripada saluran pernafasan atas seseorang tersumbat. Ia berlaku apabila terdapat sekatan pada aliran udara di dalam saluran pernafasan di bahagian belakang mulut dan hidung seseorang ...
Nose bleed (epitasis) usually occurs when there is rupture of the capillaries within the nasal cavity ...
Hidung berdarah atau (epistaksis) biasa berlaku apabila salur darah kecil kapilari di rongga hidung pecah ...
It is an involuntary, sudden, forceful burst of air through the nose and mouth. It is also called "sternutation". Sneezing is a defense mechanism whereby the body removes irritants from the nose. It can be very bothersome, but is generally not a sign of a serious problem ...
Hembusan angin yang kuat melalui hidung dan mulut yang berlaku secara tiba-tiba dan tidak disengajakan. Bersin adalah mekanisme pertahanan diri untuk mengeluarkan bahan iritasi dari hidung. Pada umumnya, ia tidak serius tetapi boleh mengganggu ...
You might wonder whether the earwax needs to be cleaned out. The ear wax naturally flows out of the ear. All you have to do is clean the wax that flows out using a clean cloth. Keep your finger nails short to avoid from accidentally causing injury to the skin DO NOT dig your ears with match sticks, needle, or anything sharp. You can hurt your ear by poking around in there ...
Anda mungkin tertanya-tanya sama ada tahi telinga perlu dibersihkan. Tahi telinga mengalir keluar dari telinga secara semulajadi. Apa yang perlu anda lakukan adalah membersihkan tahi telinga menggunakan kain bersih. Pastikan kuku jari anda pendek untuk mencegah kecederaan pada kulit ...

Artikel Berkaitan

Nose Bleed

Nose bleed (epitasis) usually occurs when there is rupture of the capillaries within the nasal cavity.


Snoring is an audible breathing noise produced when a person has a partially blocked upper respiratory tract. You snore when something blocks the free flow of air through the passages at the back of your mouth and nose.


It is an involuntary, sudden, forceful burst of air through the nose and mouth. It is also called “sternutation”. Sneezing is a defense mechanism whereby the body removes irritants from the nose. It can be very bothersome, but is generally not a sign of a serious problem.


Bahagian Pendidikan Kesihatan,
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia,
Aras 1-3, Blok E10, Kompleks E,
Kompleks Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62590 Putrajaya, Malaysia.

TALIAN AM :   +603 8000 8000

FAKS :   +603 8888 6200

EMEL :   myhealth@moh.gov.my


2024-07-16 15:32:21

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