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Do Not Fall Trap To Human Trafficking

 Do Not Fall Trap To Human Trafficking


Human trafficking is modern day slavery. It is the practice of people being tricked, lured, coerced or otherwise removed from their home or country. They are then being forced to work with no or low payment or on terms which are highly exploitative. Trafficking in persons is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. Almost every country in the world is affected by trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit or destination for victims. Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad. The three main issues of human trafficking are: slave labour, sexual exploitation, and prostitution.

  Human trafficking is1

What Is Human Trafficking: Human trafficking is …… being bought & sold against your will

To be deceived or taken against your will, bought, sold and transported into slavery.  For sexual exploitation, forced begging, sacrificial worship or removal of human organs, as child brides or into bonded labour. Every country is affected by human trafficking, whether it’s an origin country where people are trafficked from; a transit country where people are trafficked through; or a destination country where people are trafficked to. Often a country will be all three.

  Human trafficking is2People trafficking is the fastest growing means by which people are enslaved, the fastest growing international crime, and one of the largest sources of income for organised crime.  The UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Human trafficking is3

1.2 million children are trafficked every year — Estimate by UNICEF   


  Human trafficking is4Human trafficking is the second largest source of illegal income worldwide exceeded only by drugs trafficking. — Belser 2005 
Human trafficking is5600,000-800,000 men, women and children are trafficked across international borders each year. Approximately 80 per cent are women and girls. Up to 50% are minors. — US Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report 2007  


  Human trafficking is6At least 20.9 million people are victims of forced labour worldwide. While it is difficult to establish a precise amount, conservative 2012 research estimated trafficking victims as comprising some 44 per cent of this figure. —ILO 2012 Global Estimate of Forced Labour


Human trafficking is7There are even reports that some trafficking groups are switching their cargo from drugs to human beings, in a search of high profits at lower risk.  The UN Office on Drugs and Crime  
  Human trafficking is8The majority of trafficked victims arguably come from the poorest countries and poorest strata of the national population. — A global alliance against forced labor, International Labor Organisation, 2005

Elements Of Human Trafficking Elements Of Human Trafficking Who Is At Risk? All children and adolescents are at risk. Risk factors for being trafficked are individuals who are vulnerable emotionally or physically , such as

  • a history of abuse or neglect,
  • dating violence,
  • low self-esteem,
  • homelessness and poverty,
  • foster care placement, and
  • undocumented immigration status
  • runaways
  • the weak, the disabled and the oppressed

Traffickers prey upon youth who are vulnerable. They may pose as boyfriends who offer a loving, committed relationship. They may offer hope for a better life, including employment in modeling or other career opportunities. Traffickers also use other youth as recruiters to lure or help abduct girls into trafficking. They use psychological manipulation, deception, coercion, or force to isolate victims from family and friends; assume control of victims’ actions; and groom the victim to perform sexual acts with others (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation [CAASE] Youth may also engage in sex acts as a means of surviving on the street, sometimes with the involvement of someone who arranges transactions, looks out for their safety, and possibly benefits financially (Curtis et al, 2008). What Are The Warning Signs? The following may be indications:

  • shows signs of physical, emotional, sexual, or mental abuse, neglect, or malnourishment;
  • has a “boyfriend” who is much older;
  • has inconsistencies in his/her story, does not know his/her whereabouts or address, or appears confused;
  • is accompanied by an older male or female who speaks for them (i.e., does not allow the person to speak for him/herself);
  • has tattoos he/she may be hesitant to show or explain, including words that indicate ownership, such as daddy, daddy’s girl/boy, production, the name of the trafficker, or a bar code;
  • displays unusual anxiety, fear, or inhibition around law enforcement;
  • is resistant to seeking or receiving basic medical services;
  • has not received medical care for infection or injuries.
  • has recurrent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or numerous previous pregnancies;
  • talks about engaging in developmentally unusual or inappropriate sexual behaviors or practices;
  • is frequently absent from school or inconsistently attends activities; and
  • resides with a group of youth who are frequently escorted or transported by an unrelated adult.

How Does Sex Trafficking Influence Adolescent Health Outcomes?  Reproductive health risks are especially high for trafficked youth. High numbers of unprotected sexual encounters mean that these youth are unable to prevent STIs or pregnancy, and a lack of access to services prevents them from seeking testing, treatment, or other care related to these outcomes (HHS, 2013). Trafficked youth also face an increased risk of multiple mental and physical health problems that may compound one another, including the following (HHS, 2013):

  • unwanted or forced pregnancy;
  • forced abortions;
  • HIV/STI exposure;
  • psychological abuse and trauma;
How Does Sex Trafficking Influence Adolescent Health OutcomesHuman Trafficking – All About Exploitation Info – EXPLOITATION.

physical abuse;

  • depression;
  • post-traumatic stress reactions;
  • rape and sexual assault;
  • substance use and abuse;
  • malnutrition;
  • self-inflicted harm (e.g., cutting);
  • suicide; and
Human Trafficking - All About Exploitation Info Human Trafficking – All About Exploitation Info – EXPLOITATION. exploitation.info960 × 490Search by image

homicide. Few Basic Tips For Adolescents To Reduce The Risk Of Trafficking, Include:

  1. Don’t share personal information on the Internet.
  2. Don’t accept Facebook requests from unknown people.
  3. NEVER share naked photos of yourself with anyone.
  4. Tell a parent or a trusted adult if you feel threatened or uncomfortable during online communication.

Adults Role In Prevention:

  1. Be vigilant in monitoring online activity, including your teen’s Facebook page.
  2. Talk with your teen about sexual trafficking.
  3. Pay attention to your teen’s friends and where they hang out.

You may encounter people every day and never realize they are or have been a victim. They often do not seek help immediately, due to a paralysis of not knowing who to trust and where to seek help.

This has to STOP This has to STOPThe answer is for individuals and society to see this crime, listen for it, talk about it, and take action to disrupt this global system! STOP THE TRAFFIK exists to equip individuals and communities all over the world to take action.  


  1. STOP THE TRAFFIK –What is human trafficking? stopthetraffik.org/what-is-humantrafficking

2.     Teens on Trafficking www.teensontrafficking.org/

  1. Curtis, R., Terry, K., Dank, M., Dombrowski, K., & Khan, B. (2008). Commercial sexual exploitation of children in New York City, Volume One: The CSEC population in New York City: Size, characteristics, and needs. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/225083.pdf
  2. Tip sheet by ETR Associates, a subcontractor to RTI International under contract #HHSP233200951WC Task 25 with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau.


  1. Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States (Report): www.iom.edu/sextraffickingminors
  2. Very Young Girls (DVD): http://www.gems-girls.org/gems-shop#very-young-girls-dvd Violence Against Women: It’s a Men’s Issue, Ted Talk by Jackson Katz: https://www.ted.com/talks/jackson_katz_violence_against_women_it_s_a_men_s_issue

Video List  

  Call + Response trailer Call + Response is a first of its kind feature documentary film that reveals a terrifying secret: there are more slaves today than ever before in human history. In 2007, slave traders made more money than Google, Nike and Starbucks combined. Call+Response goes deep undercover where slavery is thriving.
  Become Aware Of Human Trafficking / PSA Video Courtesy of / Produced by United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UNGIFT). Public Service Announcement. For more information, please contact: Caroline Petit. Human trafficking…
  Trocaire Trocaire’s Lent TV ad on Child Labour shows a young girl going through the ‘interview’ process before becoming a victim to slave labour.
  Trafficking of Women UN ad promoting the awareness of women being trafficked for sex exploitation.
  Stop the Violence: Speak Out for Girls’ Rights “Girls have the right to live free from violence and the fear of violence. They need to be aware of their rights – and find the voice to create a global movement and actions to end violence…”
  Clinton Hails Activists Who Made a Positive Difference Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday the fight against human trafficking, both abroad and in the United States, is critical for the Obama administration. She spoke on the release of a State Department report that listed 17 countries as failing to significantly address the problem. VOA’s David Gollust reports from the State Department
  UN ODC Labor Trafficking PSA A 60 second PSA about Labor Trafficking relased by the UN ODC.
  The Dark Side of Chocolate “The Dark Side of Chocolate” is a documentary about the continued allegations of trafficking of children and child labor in the international chocolate industry.
  Just Say No To Human Trafficking UKHTC film to raise awareness of human trafficking in the UK and beyond.
  Radiohead – All I Need: Anti Trafficking Video British band Radiohead is releasing a video which aims to raise awareness of human trafficking. The video for ‘All I Need’ uses a split screen to show a day in the life of two different children — one from an affluent background and another who is forced to work in a sweat shop.
  Modern Slavery – Human Trafficking A compilation of facts, footage, and pictures that was made depicting modern slavery.
  13 year Old Prostitutes in Phoenix Arizona (www.TheBigBlackNewsBlog.com) 13 Year-old prostitutes in Phoenix, Arizona.
  ASU: Human Trafficking Commercial – Extended This is a 1 minute commercial ASU did for the International Rescue Committee to educate people on the severe problem of Human Trafficking and that it can happen to ANYBODY.
  Teen Pimps: 2 16-Year-Old Girls Led A Child Prostitution Ring In Arizona! ABC reports ‘2 teens arrested for running child prostitution ring’
  Eye To Eye With Katie Couric: Human Trafficking (CBS News) David Batstone, author of Not For Sale, tells Hannah Storm that slavery is a problem that persists in the United States today, largely due to human trafficking. (CBSNews.com)
  How To Know If Your Boyfriend Is Abusive VERY interesting and informative video teaching you the warning signs of an abusive relationship.
  UN.GIFT Emma Thompson Human Trafficking PSA This Public Service Announcement shows the Oscar-winning British actress, Emma Thompson, mouthing the words of real-life human trafficking victims — male and female; sex slaves, forced labourers, and children press-ganged into carrying guns.


Last Reviewed : 24 Nov 2015
Writer : Dr. Zil Failllah binti Mohd Said
Accreditor : Dr. Nazrila Hairin binti Nasir

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