Page 29 - NASPAL_Final
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 “ National Health Morbidity

 Survey 2015 recommends

 that   national   policies
 and  programmes  should

 integrate  strategies  and

 activities   to   promote
 physical  activities.  This

 includes the improvement

 of  public  transportation                                                     The
 in  an  effort  to  promote


 Furthermore,   upsurge   venue   (cycling,
 walking, sports and exercise campaigns) as
 well as facilities to promote physical activity
 should  be  enhanced.  Schools,  government                                    Plan
 agencies,  private  organisations,  NGOs  and
 political organisations should be advocated
 to organise and participate in active lifestyle
 projects  besides  supporting  them  in
 organising  appropriate  activity/  campaign/
 project  related  to  physical  activities.  Break                                                            NASPAL    2017-2025
 in sedentary activities should be encouraged
 among  Malaysian  adults  to  boost  active
 lifestyle. Further studies utilising the objective
 methods of physical activity assessment for
 a  subsample  of  the  population  should  be
 carried out.  “

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